You will get the push. At that point you could thank them and say the whole thing, from the very beginning was taped and has been available online, listened to by many thousands of people. Hopefully they may threaten you further, but I doubt it. I agree with the others, the meeting may be very short.
James Free
JoinedPosts by James Free
Survey and question for those that follow my JC hearing tapes
by SickofLies inmy last appeal hearing is tonight.
i plan on continuing the good christian with a few questions act.
after they reach their decision whatever it is i will pull out my camera and tell them that this whole procedure has been recorded.. 1. do you think i will get df'ed tonight?
Hear the elder lie!
by SickofLies ini've got the conversation my 'laywer' jason had with the head of my appeal hearing ghram, he refues to answer any questions about the recorder being tampered with, but denies that anyone named 'sean' was at the meeting, then later he talks about talking to 'sean' at the meeting!.
this guy is so desprate to cover his own ass.
btw, i will testify that the bag was closed when i was in the room before i left and that it was open after i got back.
James Free
It has been interesting listening to all the recordings. They have now descended in to farce and 'Jason's' telephone call was low grade entertainment.
The first Elders meeting was special. The elder showed himself to be upset with education, educated people, and any one who has questions that he was plainly incapable of answering to any greta depth. He made sweeping statements about 99% of those disfellowshipped for apostasy never coming back, statements that lacked any statistical validity, since this information is not available. He said the accused was guilty of grieving the Holy spirit, which the Org. is careful NOT to say about non-anointed questioners. He showed himself to be well out of his depth, yet having the power to declare the spiritual death of someone.
Many have met ignorant fools like him in the congregations in positions of authority.
The second set of Elders were much more fair in their handling of the situation in their first meeting. By the second meeting, it was clear they had privately discussed the matter with the first body of elders (hardly an independent appeal) and were now in agreement with them. Maybe I misheard, but I thought I heard that they were meeting with 'witnesses' while the accused waited outside. If this was true, it was not only against scripture where the accused may hear and challenge his accuser, but also against the Org. rules.
As the meeting descended into farce, the threats from the elder were chilling in that he really felt he had power beyond the congregation. He was a nobody making threats that had no legal merit. Sure, he could pursue the matter in court, but it would be unlikely that the Org. would foot the bill or follow it up because of all the publicity it would generate.
I guess they will disfellowship and be done with it. I suggest sickoflies does the same.
Faultful & Deceitful slave?
by MadamDefiance ini never recieved any answers from the mighty ones regarding why they were called the faithful and dscret slaves.
and if their mission was to give out food to the naive mindless flock , then why was i starving for answers?
soon i gave up when mom continually said to keep to my lessons in the wt and stop questioning jehopes orderly organization..
James Free
I never recieved any answers from the mighty ones regarding why they were called the faithful and dscret slaves
They call themselves the FDS throughout the literature, as if the FDS is controlling the Org. But in fact the FDS, using their definition - any anointed on the earth at any given moment in time - is not controlling the Org, it is not even consulted. The reality is that the GB controls everything, as representatives of the FDS, who have no say in their appointment. Find THAT in the bible...
Resolution - "Declare Allegiance" "In full Harmony"
by Bonnie_Clyde ini recently came into possession of some old wt volumes.
was interested in the 1938 issues as that was the year that they became a full "theocracy.".
most of the letters from readers are addressed to "brother rutherford.
James Free
Was interested in the 1938 issues as that was the year that they became a full "theocracy."
but it did not, and still is not, a full theocracy. That is a fiction! Up to 1976, the president still made all the decisions, and even now, they agree by two thirds majority voting on the GB - which is DEMOCRATIC not theocratic in nature. Of course, the GB itself is not theocratic either, since according to their teology, The FDS has the authority, not them - but they are not chosen by the FDS and they don't consult with the FDS in any way, so it is all a big con trick.
Letter to my Mom.
by jeeprube intwo nights ago i got fed up and decided to e-mail my mother with some concerns.
it was nice to see you as well mother, and i love you too!
i like your car, please be safe when you drive it.
James Free
I see you got the outline for the new special talk. Is it available online anywhere?
When your door bell rings, do you still think it might be the elders?
by JH in.
i live in an apartment building, and i just heard the door bells ringing here and there, which automatically made me think that it could be the jw's.... when someone is at the door here, knocking or ringing, i'm always fearful that it will be them....
James Free
Since I DA'd and moved I have been waiting to talk to a JW and ask "questions" as an interested one. Ha, they don't come!! Where are they? I am waiting...
by RichieRich ini work at target.
back in the good ole' days, witnesses used to come in all the time to see me.
i would say that there were maybe three or four families that came in regularly.. since the announcement was made though, i've had at least 35 diiferent people come in.
James Free
when they come and talk to you don't tell them your out or what ever
I gotta agree. Why did you tell them you DA'd? It's like saying, Hey, you are not allowed to talk to me anymore! - But the reality is that you are free from the WT and its rules. You can talk to anyone you want! And if they come up to you, why stop them??
What does it take to make my sister to stop shunning me? High Gas Prices!
by Elsewhere ini recently received a very odd email from my devout-jw sister who has been shunning me since 1998. it is that "the price of gas is too high so lets stop buying gas from exxon and mobil to start a price war" email.
i'm sure many of you have seen it.. therefore, what does it take to make my jw sister stop shunning me?
simple: high gas prices!
James Free
stop buying gas from Exxon and Mobil
Tell her the ORG probably got shares in them!
When you left the JWs did you keep their publications?
by White Waves ini threw everything away except the bible (which i now know is crap), the songbook and reasoning from the scriptures ( to use against them... primarily the conversation stopper part).
so many posters seem be able to access jw info easily and quote it... i wonder if i should have kept everything.
at the time, it was a way to start over and commit to never going back.
James Free
I have all the old books and stuff. I threw out the most recent, but thought one day I might find a buyer for the really old stuff.
Attended the Circuit Assembly - the work IS slowing down.
by jgnat inonly two baptisms, two, count 'em.
both were obviously children of jw's.
the last circuit assembly there were at least a dozen.
James Free
I went to one assembly in Bowes Road, London one year and there were NO baptisms. The speaker had to make his talk general, as a reminder for the audience. It was wierd, and the first time I had experienced such a thing in over 30 years attendance.